Have you ever wondered about the intricacies of marriage laws in Hawaii? While the Aloha State is known for its beautiful wedding destinations, it is essential to understand the legal aspects of marriage in this tropical paradise. What is a covenant marriage? A...
Family Law
What happens if my ex-spouse fails to pay alimony?
Alimony, also called spousal support, is a court-ordered financial agreement that is sometimes made during a divorce. It helps the lower-earning spouse maintain financial stability after the marriage ends. When a court has ruled that you should receive alimony...
Understanding the two common paternity suits
Paternity suits carry significant emotional, financial and legal consequences for all parties involved. More than that, it has a significant impact on the involved children’s overall well-being. Two common types of paternity suits are paternity establishment and...
Does Hawaii recognize covenant marriages?
As the new Speaker of the House was a relative unknown prior to his election as Speaker, many have discovered that his marriage is what is called a covenant marriage. This has drawn Hawaiian residents to wonder what is and whether Hawaii recognizes it. What are...
3 reasons to reconsider dating during divorce
Divorce is painful and overwhelming, often unveiling a strong need for emotional support and companionship. However, there are many reasons to reconsider pursuing a new relationship. Although you may feel as though your marriage has ended, it's not officially over...
How long does an alimony order last?
Alimony is one of the more controversial issues in any divorce. Few people enjoy feeling financially dependent on an ex-spouse, and few enjoy having to make alimony payments to an ex. However, it can be essential to reaching a fair divorce settlement and it can be...
Establishing paternity in Hawaii: What to know
When you have paternity over a child, that’s legal standing as a child’s father. Until paternity is established, you don’t actually have any legal rights over your child – which means (among other things) that you have no authority over how they are raised and no...
What should you know about alimony in Hawaii?
When you expect your divorce to leave you at a financial disadvantage, you probably hope to find a way of improving your situation. Obtaining alimony (spousal support) can help you stretch your finances and possibly avoid undue economic hardships. Unfortunately,...
How do you decide who gets the rental home in your divorce?
One of your concerns when going through a divorce is what will happen to all of the assets you co-own with your ex-spouse. If you’ve been together a long time, this can be complicated - especially when everything belongs to both of you. It’s important for you that...
How long does a father have to establish paternity?
Parenthood is a lifelong commitment. Once someone helps to bring new life into the world, they often have a personal attachment and feel a sense of social obligation reinforced by their family and the broader community. However, from a legal sense, parents generally...