You’ve lost your primary source of income, your finances are in total disarray and you can’t afford your child support payment next month. What can you do? You can’t pay what you don’t have, but that doesn’t mean you can simply ignore the situation and hope you can...
Month: October 2020
Court-monitored programs could help you communicate respectfully
It’s common for people to worry about how they’ll communicate with a spouse or ex-spouse during or after a divorce. They may have a history of disputes or be concerned about the other person’s aggression or rude behavior. Unfortunately, there are times when there is...
What to do about co-parenting disagreements
Even with a parenting plan in place, there are sure to be times when you don’t see eye to eye with you ex-spouse. When that happens, it’s critical that you consider all your options to ensure that you take the appropriate steps. Here are several things you can do...
Why is co-parenting difficult?
Have you ever met one of those divorced couples who seem to maintain a perfect relationship after their marriage ends? They sit applauding side by side at their child’s school play and even go out to dinner as a foursome with their new partners. For most couples, the...