Have you ever met one of those divorced couples who seem to maintain a perfect relationship after their marriage ends? They sit applauding side by side at their child’s school play and even go out to dinner as a foursome with their new partners. For most couples, the reality is not like this. Maintaining a good relationship with your ex can be challenging. Yet, the better you can do this, the better it will be for your child.
These are some reasons why co-parenting can be difficult after divorce:
- Communication: Many couples divorce because they no longer like each other. Having to talk to each other can act as a constant reminder of why you fell out in the first place.
- Divorce hurts: If you did not want a divorce because you still love your spouse, or if it ended because they cheated on you, contact can make it harder to let go and move on with your life. Yet, when you share children, you have to maintain contact.
- Reliability: When you develop a parenting plan, both parties must try their best to adhere to it. If your partner is late for handover or cancels their agreed time with your child last minute, it can throw your plans into disarray.
- Location: If one of you wants to move away from Honolulu, it will affect your child’s life. If you both stay in the same area, your child can attend the same school, maintain friends, and see both parents regularly.
Divorce is rarely easy for anyone. A compassionate family law attorney can help you through your Honolulu divorce. Remember that, however difficult co-parenting makes your life, failing to do it well will cause problems for your child.