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Do I Need A Pre- Or Postnuptial Agreement?

Discussing prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements can be seen as unromantic and therefore taboo. There is a certain fear surrounding these agreements since they concern finances and precautions before and during marriage. However, there are benefits to creating these agreements for both sides.

A pre- or postnuptial agreement can help you and your spouse document your separate property and distinguish between marital and communal property. You can detail any special arrangements you may want to invoke prior to or after your marriage.

An arrangement can also help you resolve conflicts and establish protocols for potential disagreements or other issues that could arise during your marriage or in a divorce. A pre- or postnuptial agreement can bring both you and your spouse onto the same page.

Experience Is Necessary For These Arrangements

Prenups and postnups, like other aspects of family law, require careful consideration, especially if they involve blended families, complicated assets or businesses. If you decide you need a pre- or postnuptial agreement for your marriage, you will want a knowledgeable lawyer to walk you through the process and help you come to an arrangement. Our dedicated Hawaii attorneys know how to evaluate these types of situations.

Let Us Do The Work For You

If you are considering creating a pre- or postnuptial agreement, let us take care of it for you. Contact our attorneys at our Honolulu, Hawaii, office through the website or give us a call at 808-377-4030. We can start planning an agreement that will work for your situation.