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Consistency matters in co-parenting

On Behalf of | Dec 30, 2021 | Child Custody And Relocation

Co-parenting can be challenging, especially for children who have to grow up in two separate households. Before a divorce, both parents operate as a unit with similar rules and ways of doing things. However, separation means every parent sets the rules of their house, which can be confusing for the children who have to change homes between the two parents now and then.

What does this mean for the children? First, the lack of consistency can disrupt a child’s growth and stability. For instance, if you and your co-parent cannot agree on even the simple things like bedtime for your children, it could disrupt their performance in school when they stay up too late. It could also lead to manipulative behavior as the children play off the parents against each other.

Tips on improving consistency

The importance of consistency cannot be understated. Therefore, for easier parenting and the welfare of your children, consider the tips below to enhance consistency between you and your co-parent.

  • Work together as a team and have a united front with your co-parent
  • Establish clear and effective communication links
  • Always prioritize your children’s interests 
  • Find sustainable ways of resolving conflict with your co-parent
  • See a parenting therapist if need be

What if it is not working out?

Sometimes, things don’t work out as you want them to, and co-parenting is no exception. However, if your co-parent’s actions are risking the child’s welfare, you need to take action and remedy the situation. It may take a modification of the current child custody orders, but that’s a small price for the wellbeing of your child.

Still, it is best to have both parents involved in a child’s upbringing. Your efforts should be reconciliatory and geared towards improving the situation with the other parent still in the picture.

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