When children are involved in a divorce, negotiations become more complex. You and your soon-to-be ex-spouse have to make decisions by prioritizing them. Courts in Hawaii follow certain standards and procedures to make custody orders in the best interest of minors.
But can parents come to an agreement without litigation? Here are three tips that may make this possible.
Choose the custody type for each parent
The chances are you and your spouse had a parenting system with responsibilities of each party. Using this system, you may choose the most suitable custody type for each party. Physical and legal custody are the two types, with the former determining the parent who will live with the kids and the latter giving a parent the authority to make major life decisions for them, such as education, religion and medical care.
It’s possible to have joint legal or joint physical custody, in which case both parents can live with the kids based on a schedule and make major decisions.
Use positive language
The use of positive/respectful language may make it easy for parents to agree on crucial issues. Acknowledge the best parenting qualities in your spouse in your conversations. They may have made a mistake as a spouse, which may have led to the divorce, but this doesn’t necessarily make them a bad parent.
Be willing to compromise
You and the other parent have wishes, perhaps you want to spend more time with your kids or raise them in a certain way. This may have been possible when you lived in the same house, but with divorce, some requests may be compromised for a peaceful agreement. You can compromise on a few things, such as the visitation schedule, without losing your rights as a parent.
Agreeing on child support can save you many challenges. Get professional guidance to make moves that won’t strain you and your children.