Finances are often the last thing that couples open up about. You may not truly get a sense of your spouse’s financial circumstances or priorities until after you are married.
Money isn’t everything, but it is certainly important. In fact, money is at the center of many divorces in the US. Outlined below are some more specific money-related issues that can lead to divorce.
Different opinions on family
It is generally a good idea for couples to discuss their ambitions in terms of starting a family before they commit to marriage. Having said that, people can change their minds. If one spouse wants to save up to start a family and purchase a new home, but the other spouse is more intent on traveling the world, this can cause a lot of friction about financial goals.
Impulse purchases
Perhaps you were more of a careful planner when it came to finances, and your spouse was more impulsive. After a while, these personality differences can start to grate away at the relationship until they become a serious issue. Even though they had good intentions, your spouse’s lavish spending habits and spontaneous gifts really began to stress you out. You knew they were at the very least stretching the marital budget, and even going over the line at times.
A successful marriage relies on open communication in all areas, including finances. If you and your spouse are unable to see eye to eye and get your marriage back on track, then it may be time to start thinking about your options and divorce. Make sure you seek some legal guidance before taking your next steps.