Getting a divorce in Hawai’i is similar to getting one in any other state, but there are state-specific rules and issues that you should know about. Before you file, knowing some of the basics can help you be better prepared and ready to build the best case.
In this state, there are several important facts that you need to understand. Here are four that can help you prepare for your divorce.
You can get a divorce even if your spouse doesn’t want one
The first fact is that you don’t need your spouse’s agreement to get a divorce. You can apply and divorce regardless of what they want.
You can get a divorce in this state even if you were married elsewhere
So long as you have been living in this state for long enough (six months), you qualify to divorce here even though you may have gotten married elsewhere. You don’t have to travel to the mainland to handle your divorce.
Your divorce may take several months
Divorces aren’t immediate, so you should expect that it will take at least a few months. It could take longer if you and your spouse have disputes with one another.
Your divorce may go more smoothly with an attorney’s help
Not everyone chooses to work with an attorney, but it is a good idea to use one. The Hawai`i courts do suggest working with an attorney to makes sure you understand your rights and responsibilities, as well as the options that may be open to you.
No two divorces are ever going to be alike, which is why it pays to have personalized support and information. This is a no-fault state, so you do have the option to divorce for any reason at any time, but you need to understand how a divorce could affect you, your children and other aspects of your life.
It’s beneficial to take the time to learn more about divorcing, property division, child support, alimony and other parts of the divorce that you may encounter during your case. Doing so now will help you be prepared if those topics come up later.