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How can you limit the damage divorce does to your kid?

On Behalf of | Jul 31, 2020 | Divorce

Hawaii parents going through a divorce have to look out for their child before all else. This is difficult when it comes to managing their well-being and mental health. After all, news of a divorce still upsets people even as adults. How well do you think your child will handle it?

You likely look for many ways to limit the damage news of divorce may do. Lucky for everyone, there are less damaging ways of discussing divorce.

Get different perspectives before the talk

Psychology Today looks at several factors of divorce. This includes how to break news of the split to your child. First, experts remind you to tailor your approach to your child. It is perfectly acceptable and encouraged for you to take advice from experts. You can talk to friends or family members who have been through the same thing. Varied insight is important. But every child will react to divorce in a different way. Change your approach based on your child’s age, maturity level and personality.

Work with your co-parent

In all cases, you and your co-parent should exist on the same page. Do not argue in front of your child. Try not to have this discussion after an argument either. Your kid may pick up on the tense air and blame themselves for it. Decide beforehand what topics to discuss and what to avoid. Talk to your child together, not one at a time.

Finally, reassure your child as often as possible that you love them. Tell them the divorce is not their fault. Dispel any guilt they may feel and do your best to counter it any time you see these concerns surface.

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