If you are planning to file for a divorce this year, then there is more that you need to do than just submitting a complaint to a Hawaii court. It would help if you did not rush your decision to divorce. Since it is a serious issue, you should not make such a decision when you are in a deep emotional state.
Before filing for divorce, ensure you have exhausted all other options of reconciliation with your partner. If you have tried everything to salvage your marriage to no avail, including mediation, therapy groups, and uninterrupted vacation, then the divorce will be the last option.
You may need the services of a reputable attorney once you make up your mind to file a divorce. Before settling on one, it is prudent that you interview as many attorneys as possible. Look for an attorney that is committed to working with you to achieve your litigation goals. In case your divorce gets messy, a qualified lawyer will find a remedy.
You will also need to gather all prevalent documents that will aid your divorce case. The success of your divorce case will mostly be dependent on the documentation process. Some of the relevant documents that will help in divorce litigation include your car notes, financial account records, phone records, and mortgages records.
Ensure all these documents and others are updated and well documented before you file your case. If you have any shared documents with your partner, ensure you make copies of them before you hold your first meeting with your attorney.